From 17 February 2023, the stop to sales and «invoice discounts»

ArticoloThe sun 24 hoursTax WeekFrom 17 February 2023, the stop to sales and «invoice discounts»

With the green light of the conversion law of Decree Law No. 11 of 2023, the restrictions on options for the sale of credits and for the discount on invoices from 17 February 2023 are definitive. There are many changes to the transitional norm that allows the sterilization of this block. Various rules of authentic interpretation have been introduced retroactively on some aspects debated in doctrine.

From 17 February 2023, the options of «invoice discount» or assignment of building credits (deriving from both the super bonus and other minor bonuses) are no longer allowed, except in these cases:

  • for the super bonus, if by 16 February 2023:
    • the Cilas was already presented for the interventions of natural persons in single-family units, terraced houses or buildings with 2, 3 or 4 units of a single owner;
    • the Cilas had already been introduced and it already appeared “adopted the resolution of assembly” of approval of the execution of the intense activities, for the participations carried out from the condomìni (In this case, unlike the tightening of the decree Aid-quater, Decree-Law No. 176 of 18 November 2022 on the reduction of 110% to 90% of the super bonus in 2023 for condoms, it does not serve that the date of the resolution is “attested, with a special declaration replacing the act of notoriety” by the administrator of the condominium or “by the condomino who presided over the assembly”, in the case of minimum pardons in which the administrator was not appointed);
    • the application for the acquisition of the qualification» for the “interventions involving the demolition and the reconstruction of the buildings” had already been submitted;
  • for all building bonuses that are transferable or discounted on invoice, other than those of the super bonus (ie for the relevant house bonus, the house bonus purchases, the car construction bonus box from 2022, the ecobonus, the bonus earthquake, the facade bonus, the photovoltaic systems, the accumulation systems, charging stations for electric vehicles at 50% until 31 December 2021 and the removal of architectural barriers at 75%, if not towed to 110%), if by 16 February 2023:
    • had already «applied for the qualification, where necessary» (therefore, regardless of the start of the works);
    • for “the interventions for which the presentation of a qualification is not foreseen” (ie those in «free building», for example, of the «Glossary for free building» annexed to the decree of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of 2 March 2018), were «Work has already begun» or, if not, a binding agreement was «already concluded between the parties for the supply of the goods and services covered by the works». In both cases, if, before 17 February 2023, no “advance payment” has already been made, it is necessary to certify that the starting date of the works or that of the «conclusion» of the binding agreement is “prior” to 17 February 2023, through “alternative declaration of the deed of notoriety”, made pursuant to article 47 of dpr n. 445/2000, signed “both by the seller or client and by the transferee or lender”;
    • the enterprise that carries out the intense activities had already been introduced the «application for title of abilitativo for the execution of the building intense activities» for the box auto purchases (article 16-bis, paragraphs 1, letter d, of the Tuir), for the bonus house purchases (article 16-bis, paragraph 3 of the Tuir) and the ordinary purchase bonus earthquake (Article 16, paragraph 1-septies, of Decree-Law No. 63 of 2013); following the entry into force of the conversion law of Decree-Law No. 11 of February 16, 2023, so it is no longer required that, by February 16, 2023, was already “the preliminary contract has been duly registered or the final contract of sale of the property has been concluded” (Article 2, paragraph 3, letters a, b, and c, Decree-Law No. 11 of 16 February 2023);
  • for all credit transfer options or discount on building bonus bills (super or minor):
    • exercised for “the expenses incurred for the interventions of overcoming and eliminating architectural barriers” facilitated with the deduction Irpef or Ires of 75% of article 119-ter of Decree Law 19 May 2020, n. 34 (article 2, paragraph 1-bis, decree law 16 February 2023, n. 11, introduced by the conversion law);
    • carried out for the “interventions carried out in relation to buildings damaged by seismic events”, which occurred in the “Municipalities of the territories affected by seismic events occurred as of 1 April 2009 where the state of emergency was declared”, that is those indicated in article 119, paragraph 8-ter, first period, of Decree Law May 19, 2020, n. 34 (article 2, paragraph 3-quater, Decree Law February 16, 2023, n. 11, introduced by the conversion law);
    • exercised for interventions carried out “in relation to buildings damaged by meteorological events occurring from 15 September 2022 for which a state of emergency was declared in the deliberations of the Council of Ministers 16 September 2022, published in the Official Journal no. 221 of 21 September 2022, and 19 October 2022, published in the Official Journal no. 255 of 31 October 2022, located in the territories of the Marche region” (article 2, paragraph 3-quater, decree law 16 February 2023, n. 11, introduced by the conversion law);
    • exercised by the “autonomous social housing institutions (IACP), however called, as well as by institutions” assimilated (article 119, paragraph 9, letter c, decree law n. 34/2020) “which are already established on 17 February 2023” (article 2, paragraph 3-bis, decree law 16 February 2023, n. 11, introduced by the conversion law);
    • exercised by the “housing cooperatives with undivided properties, for interventions carried out on real estate owned by the same and assigned to their members” (letter d) “which are already established on 17 February 2023” (article 2, paragraph 3-bis, decree law 16 February 2023, n. 11, introduced by the conversion law);
    • carried out by non-profit organizations, voluntary organizations (ODV) and social promotion associations (APS) (letter d-bis), “which are already established on 17 February 2023”. It is necessary that “all the requirements” provided to benefit from the increase of the expenditure limits for the super bonus of article 119, paragraph 10-bis, Decree Law June 4, 2013, n. 63 (ie those who carry out “activities of provision of social and health services and care”, do not provide “any compensation or allowance for office” for their “members of the Board of Directors” and are in possession of buildings falling under the categories B/1, B/2 and D/4, “by title of property, bare property, usufruct or loan of free use”, regularly registered before 1 June 2021), subsist «from the date of commencement of works or, if earlier, of incurrence of expenses». In addition, “they must remain until the end of the last tax period for the use of the constant annual deduction shares, subject to the requirement of registration of the loan contract of use, in the case of possession of the property in question, for which the second period of the aforementioned article 119, paragraph 10-bis, letter b), expressly provides for the existence from certain date prior to the date of entry into force of the same paragraph 10-bis”. In addition, the “requirement of non-payment or indemnity of office by the members of the board of directors” of the non-profit organizations, the ODV and the APS (provided for by Article 119, paragraph 10-bis, letter a), of Decree Law 19 May 2020, n. 34), “is satisfied if, regardless of the provisions of the Articles of Association, it is demonstrated, by any means of proof or by statements made” pursuant to Articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28 December 2000, that the “aforementioned members” of the Board of Directors “have not received any compensation or allowances or have renounced or returned them” (Article 2, paragraphs 3-bis and 3-ter, Decree-Law 16 February 2023, n. 11, introduced by the Conversion Law);
    • carried out in “areas classified as Category 1, 2 and 3 earthquake zones”, and «included in plans for the recovery of the existing building stock or urban redevelopment, however named, with detailed project content, implemented by means of simplified titles», which on 17 February 2023 “are approved by the municipal authorities in time of law and that contribute to the saving of energy consumption and the seismic adaptation of the buildings concerned” (Article 2, paragraph 2, letter c, Decree Law 16 February 2023, n. 11, after the conversion law).


Those excluded from the transitional rule, stop options from 17 February 2023

Super earthquake bonus purchases

Even if the notary deeds have been signed by 31 December 2022, the «super earthquake bonus purchases» is not among the hypotheses of excluding the stop to the sale of credits and to the «invoice discounts», provided for by Article 2, paragraph 1, of Decree-Law 16 February 2023, n. 11. Therefore, in these cases (except for the seismic crater and for the meteorological events of article 2, paragraph 3-bis, decree law 16 February 2023, n. 11, or for the interventions “included in plans for the recovery of the existing building and urban redevelopment” of article 2, paragraph 2, letter c) Decree-Law No. 11 of 16 February 2023), remain out of the options all the rogiti stipulated in 2022, for which the relative Communication of option to the Revenue has not been sent before 17 February 2023.

There is no trace, in fact, in article 2, paragraph 2, of the decree law 16 February 2023, n. 11 (which deals with the super bonus), the facilitation of the «super earthquake bonus purchases» (article 16, paragraph 1-septies, of the decree-law 4 June 2013, n. 63)unless the norm wants it to fall within the case of demolitions and reconstructions (letter c). But this last hypothesis has not been taken into consideration during the first application of article 119, paragraph 8-ter, decree law 34/2020, relating to the extensions of the super bonus, therefore, it is not possible to use it now.

Moreover, the fact that the norm of the «super earthquake bonus purchases» (Article 16, paragraph 1-septies, of Decree-Law 4 June 2013, n. 63) is indicated in the following article 2, paragraph 3, of Decree-Law 16 February 2023, n. 11, does not solve the problem, because this paragraph is addressed only to «options relating to expenses incurred for interventions other than those referred to in Article 119 of the aforementioned Decree-Law No. 34 of 2020».

Ordinary cila or another request for a building permit before 1 year. June 2021

Last big excluded of the sterilization of the tightening of the block of the options of cession of the credit or «discount in invoice» is the case of who does not have to carry out demolition and reconstruction of buildings (for which it is sufficient “the application for the acquisition of the qualification”) and before the 1st June 2021 submitted an ordinary Cila or another request for a building permit and then, following the Anci Notebook of 28 July 2021 continued «with the procedure already in place», without presenting a new «Cila-superbonus». Article 2, paragraph 2 of Decree-Law 16 February 2023, n. 11, unfortunately, does not now consider this case among those excluded from the strict. Moreover, this problem was also present in Article 1, paragraph 894 of Law 29 December 2022, n. 197, which lists the cases in which the super bonus can remain at 110% (and not 90%) in 2023, for condoms, the unique owners of buildings with units from 2 to 4 and non-profit organizations, Odv and Aps (outside the “interventions involving the demolition and reconstruction of buildings”).

It is hoped that all these issues will be changed during the conversion of the decree.

Substantial variant under construction

Considering that Article 1, paragraph 894, of Law 29 December 2022, No. 197, provided for the possibility of avoiding the reduction of the super bonus measure from 110% to 90% in 2023 for condominiums and sole owners who had submitted before specific dates the Cilas (or the request for “the acquisition of the qualification”, for demolition and reconstruction), Article 2-bis of Decree-Law No. 11 of 16 February 2023 (introduced by its conversion law) provided, “for the purposes of application” of this provision, that the same is interpreted «in the sense that the presentation of a project in variant to the CILA or to the different qualification required by reason of the type of building intervention to be performed, is not relevant for the purposes of compliance with the terms provided». Moreover, with regard to the interventions on the «common parts of condominium ownership, it does not note, for the same purposes, the possible new shareholders’ meeting resolution approving the aforementioned variant».

The same interpretative rule also applies in cases of presentation of a variant to a Cilas or, for demolitions and reconstructions, to a «request for the acquisition of the enabling title», submitted before 17 February 2023, for the purpose of the exclusion from the block of the cessions and the «discounts in invoice», previewed from the decree law 11/2023.

In bonis remission for Annex B

According to the authentic interpretation of Article 2-ter of Decree-Law No. 11 of 16 February 2023, the taxpayer is allowed to use the institution of «remission in bonis» (Article 2, paragraph 1, of Decree-Law No. 16 of 2 March 2012), also relatively «to the obligation to submit in the terms» the certification of “effectiveness of interventions for the reduction of seismic risk” (Annex B), for the purposes of the ordinary bonus earthquake (Article 16, paragraphs 1-quater, 1-quinquies and 1-septies, of Decree Law No. 63 of 2013) and the bonus super earthquake (article 119, paragraph 4, of decree law n. 34 of 2020).

To this end, the first useful declaration, within which it is necessary to file Annex B in SUE, is «the first tax return in which the right to benefit from the deduction of the first constant part of the benefit must be exercised». In case of “exercise of one of the options” of cession of the credit or discount in invoice, instead, “the remission in bonis of the taxpayer must happen before the presentation of the communication of option”.

Villas and terraced houses: stop on 30 June 2022, but conditional extension

The Law of Conversion of Decree-Law No. 11 of 16 February 2023 extended the 110% super bonus for villas and terraced houses from 31 March 2023 to 30 September 2023. In particular, Article 119, paragraph 8-bis of DL 34/2020 allows to extend the expiry of the super bonus of 110% from 30 June 2022 to 30 September 2023 for natural persons, who carry out interventions on villas or terraced houses, granting these subjects to benefit from the super bonus of 110%, not only for transfers made from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2022, but «also» for payments made from 1 July 2022 to 30 September 2023, «provided that on 30 September 2022» were «works were carried out for at least» 30% of the «total intervention» (based on the works carried out and regardless of payments), “in whose count” «may» (therefore, not «must») be “also included unpaid works” with the super bonus of 110 percent.

Option for the 10-year breakdown of deductions for expenses incurred in 2022

Only for expenses incurred in 2022, subsidized with the 110% super bonus, «the deduction can be divided, at the option of the taxpayer, into ten equal annual instalments from the 2023 tax period» (article 119, paragraph 8-quinquies, decree law May 19, 2020, n. 34, after the conversion into law of Decree law February 16, 2023, n. 11). This option is irrevocable and must be “exercised in the tax return for the 2023 tax period”, therefore, in the Income 2024 or 730 2024 model, relating to 2023. The option is only possible if the deduction of the first instalment of four in the reporting models has not started.

Fee for the compliance visa

Article 2-ter of Decree-Law No. 11 of 16 February 2023, introduced by its conversion law, provided for an authentic interpretation rule (therefore, retroactive) which claims that «For the purposes of such deductibility, the indication of these expenses in the metric calculation and in the credits of appropriation of the expenditures by qualified technicians is a mere faculty and not an obligation».

Qualification SOA

According to the rule of authentic interpretation (therefore, retroactive) introduced by Article 2-ter of Decree-Law No. 11 of 16 February 2023 (introduced by its conversion law), “the limit of 516,000 euros” is «calculated on the basis of each individual contract and subcontract contract».

Compensation in F24

It is possible to offset in F24 building credits deriving from disposals or «invoice rebates» also with debts «of different tax authorities», such as, for example, the INPS.

Article 2-quater of Decree-Law No. 11 of 16 February 2023 (introduced by the relevant conversion law and also in line with the practice of Entering, Resolution 452/E/2008, and Assonime, case of 17 February 2023, No. 3) contains a rule of «authentic interpretation» (therefore, with retroactive effect) of Article 17, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No. 241 of 9 July 1997, to challenge the interpretation of certain Civil Courts, Labour Section (see Court Milan n. 2207/2021; Court Milan n. 625/2022; Court Brescia 1251/2022), aimed at prohibiting horizontal compensation in F24 between social security debts and tax claims (see Il Sole 24 Ore of 16 March 2023).

According to the authentic interpretation, Article 17, paragraph 1, first sentence, of Legislative Decree No. 241 of 9 July 1997, is interpreted as meaning that the compensation provided for by this rule, «In compliance with the provisions in force, it may also take place between debts and receivables, including those» generated by the disposal of building credits or by the «invoice rebate», provided for by Article 121 of Decree-Law No. 34 of 19 May 2020, «in relation to different tax authorities».

Write-off in 2023, without agreement by 31 March 2023, only for transfers to banks and insurance

Only for transfers to banks or insurance companies, the relevant Communication can be sent after 31 March 2023, with the «remission in bonis», even without an agreement already signed by this date (Article 2-quinquies of Decree-Law No. 11 of 16 February 2023, introduced by its conversion law). In other cases of assignment to third parties, however, the ordinary rules apply, therefore, to make use of the «remission in bonis» it was necessary to sign the contract of assignment by 31 March 2023.

Purchase of Btp by banks

“Banks, financial intermediaries registered in the register provided for in Article 106” of the Consolidated Law on Banking and “companies belonging to a banking group registered in Article 64” of the UPC or “insurance companies authorized to operate in Italy pursuant to the Private Insurance Code” (Legislative Decree 7 September 2005, n. 209), «assignee of tax credits referred to» in Article 121, paragraph 2, Decree-Law 19 May 2020, n. 34, pursuant to article 119 of decree-law n. 34 of 2020, “in relation to operations whose expenditure has been incurred up to 31 December 2022, these tax credits may be used, in whole or in part, for the purpose of subscribing to issues of multi-year Treasury bills”, subject to the following conditions:

  • Btp shall have a “maturity of not less than ten years”;
  • the purchase cannot exceed the limit of 10% of the “annual quota exceeding the tax credits, arisen against expenses” facilitated with the super bonus, “already used in compensation” in F24;
  • the transferee must have “exhausted its tax capacity in the same year”.

In any case, the first use of these credits for Btp purchases “can be made in relation to ordinary issues made from 1 January 2028”. With “appropriate measures of a directional nature of the Revenue Agency and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, after consulting the Bank of Italy, the methods of application are identified” of this provision (article 121, paragraph 1-sexies, decree law 19 May 2020, n. 34, after the conversion into law of Decree law 16 February 2023, n. 11).

Luca De Stefani

In-depth analysis by Studio De Stefani at the article by Luca De Stefani on La Settimana Fiscale of 26 April 2023